Young person with red hair

Where to find LGBTQ+ support for young people

Useful links

Alongside The Eikon Charity’s own support and services for LGBTQ+ young people you may find the following helpful:


Outline Surrey: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, questioning (LGB&T) Helpline giving support, advice and information in confidence based in Woking.

Stonewall: Information, resources and campaigns for the LGBT community and beyond.

Gendered Intelligence: Aims to increase understandings of gender diversity through creative ways, working predominantly with the trans community and those who impact on trans lives; specialising in supporting young trans people aged 11-25.

Kooth: Offers 24/7 access to self-help materials and daily online counselling available

Blossom: 18-25 years support in Surrey

The Proud Trust: supporting LGBT families

Twister: Surrey County Council youth support

Support from Eikon
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Girls hugging and smiling

Check out our social media!

Our Facebook and Instagram pages offer support and guidance for LGBT+ young people and parents.

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