Children playing outside

Preparing your child for secondary school

Summer Transitions Project – Elmbridge

Helping children in Year 6 to build resilience


Eikon provides early-stage emotional wellbeing and mental health support for approximately 2,500 individual children and young people across Surrey at any one time. We do this through many different projects and partnerships with schools, youth clubs and professionals including Mindworks Surrey.

The Summer Transitions Project helps 25 young people in Year 6 build their resilience and enhance their wellbeing. We want all young people to feel less anxious about the transition from primary to secondary school.

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Boy drawing outside

What happens on the project?

Stage 1 

Young people will meet with one of our youth practitioners in their primary school. They will discuss their worries and concerns about secondary school. The practitioner will cater the the summer workshops to make sure the interventions are catered to the young persons needs.

Stage 2

Young people will then take part in a 4 week workshop (3 days a week) throughout August. They will have the opportunity to meet other young people who may have the same worries and concerns and take part in fun activities and games relating to Secondary School. The young people will also get to go on a fun team building trip at the end of the workshop and will receive a goody bag filled with Secondary School essentials.

Stage 3

Finally, the young people will meet with a youth practitioner in their Secondary school to help them settle in and support them with anything they need.

Parents will also have the opportunity to attend a webinar in July on how to support their child transition to Secondary School.

Learn more
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How did it go in 2021?

In 2021, we did the Summer Transitions Project in Spelthorne with 24 young people…

  • 100% enjoyed the project
  • 100% have stayed in education
  • 75% felt they learnt who they could turn to for support
  • 63% felt they learnt how to manage emotions


How do I refer a young person to this project?

Please see the referral criteria below:

  • Currently in Year 6 & transitioning from Primary School to Secondary School in September 2024
  • Attending school and/or living in Elmbridge and able to travel to site of project (also in Elmbridge)
  • Identified as likely to find the transition from Primary School to Secondary School difficult.

If the young person you would like to refer meets the criteria above, please contact for a referral form – please add ST2024 in the subject line.

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