Background to school transition resources
Origins, basis and framework
Smart Moves® was originally created when schools shared with us that they were experiencing an ‘anxiety-epidemic’ around transition. Developed in consultation with teachers and young people, this resource was specifically created for schools as a programme for teachers to deliver to whole pupil groups in their classroom integrating it with their schools’ schedule.
Basis and framework
Smart Moves® programmes are based on the Resilience Framework (developed by Prof. Angie Hart and Dr. Derek Blincow, with help from Helen Thomas and a group of parents and practitioners) and the resources produced with Hove Park School, Boing-boing and Young Minds.
SEND edition
Smart Moves® Next Steps is our newest Smart Moves® programme, launched in 2023 as an edition to support children with special educational needs and disabilities transition to secondary school.
Created in collaboration with outreach workers from Surrey Autism Outreach Service and SENCos from Surrey primary and junior schools, this programme has been adapted to include clearer imagery, explicit instructions, and greater emphasis on supporting change.
Smart Moves® Next Steps can support smaller groups of pupils that have SEND, attend nurture / ELSA groups and that would benefit from a softer approach to supporting transitions.
Smart Moves® in action
The Eikon Charity specifically commissioned Royal Holloway University of London to conduct independent research into the Smart Moves® programme and materials.
We wanted to know, “Can Smart Moves® really make a difference?”
The resulting assessment report produced by Dr Watling and her team at the University showed:
- School-based programmes such as Smart Moves® can significantly improve resiliency for young people.
- Where there is success in enhancing resiliency, it can positively impact both wellbeing and behaviour. Read the full report here.
- Both teachers and pupils felt that through using Smart Moves® they were able to build confidence around their capability (e.g. transition to secondary school, dealing with new situations, building friendships and being able to cope when they began to worry).
- Children reported they were better able to communicate about feelings, to understand how others may be feeling and to engage in conflict resolution.