Charity of the Year success!

Head of Fundraising for Eikon Natasha Iles, collected a cheque for over £9,000 from Bill Williams, Seniors Captain at The Drift Golf Club.

The Drift Golf Club chose Eikon as their Charity of The Year 2016/17 wanting to support Eikon’s work with young people across Surrey building resilience, strengthening well-being and raising aspirations.

As Seniors Captain Bill put the successful year down to well attended events, good weather and a collective engagement in Eikon’s aims.

The amount raised can deliver 12 months of early intervention for 35 young people, ensuring personalised and sustained support.

A huge Thank You from everyone at Eikon!

Picture of Bill Williams, Seniors Captain at The Drift Golf Club and Head of Fundraising Natasha Iles.

Bill Williams, Seniors Captain at The Drift Golf Club and Head of Fundraising Natasha Iles.