Supported by Samena, Youth Support Practitioner
Samena has always been there, running weekly young carers lunch clubs, trips and activities, as well as free lunches once a term. I’ve also had one-to-one support from her to help me with my mental health and coping mechanisms.
Thanks to her support, I’ve been given a range of opportunities to distract me from my worries at home. These chances have led to even greater things. I’m one of nearly 40 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors at my school, and we’re all trained by the Diana Award, through Samena. I have the incredible opportunity to lead them, alongside my new role as one of 10 members of the National Anti-Bullying Youth Board, representing over 40,000 ambassadors across the country.
Samena and Eikon have been with me every step of the way, through thick and thin. I couldn’t be more thankful for the endless support that she has provided me and the opportunities I’ve been given as a result.
How Wellbeing Ambassadors helped transform 4 schools…
Eikon Wellbeing Ambassadors is a pupil-led programme, designed to amplify student voice on whole school wellbeing. The aim is for Wellbeing Ambassadors to understand how to look after their own wellbeing and to learn how to promote and support wellbeing in their school.

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