Whole school wellbeing – how Wellbeing Ambassadors helped transform four schools…

Pupil-led wellbeing programme 


Eikon Wellbeing Ambassadors is a pupil-led programme, designed to amplify student voice on whole school wellbeing. The aim is for Wellbeing Ambassadors to understand how to look after their own wellbeing and to learn how to promote and support wellbeing in their school.

We provide training and resources to develop Wellbeing Ambassadors, helping them to promote wellbeing through education, activities, events, and whole school communication.

Read more to find out what some of our Wellbeing Ambassadors have achieved in their schools…

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The Priory School in Dorking


We trained 21 students at The Priory School to understand the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and how to help students build positive wellbeing into their lives.

“The Wellbeing Ambassador Programme has been a fabulous resource for us, here at The Priory School. The training is very thorough, and the resources are invaluable. At our school, we have seen first-hand how prioritising the wellbeing of our students and staff has had a positive impact on our school community.

One major change we have made, following the training, is developing student voice. Through this we have recruited and trained Wellbeing Champions and Peer Mentors within our student community.

Wellbeing drop-in sessions are run daily for all year groups and Champions, Mentors and Wellbeing staff are there to help promote wellbeing and foster relationships with all students, some who struggle in social situations, and help build resilience and coping mechanisms through communication and sometimes simply playing games.

This has helped students to start their afternoon off on a calm and centered note, which has led to improved focus and productivity throughout the day.

Our Wellbeing Champions all proudly wear their WOW badges and have done cake sales and other activities to raise money for charity, all while raising awareness of the Five Ways to Wellbeing and Mental Health.”

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Cupcake with decoration reading 'you are not alone' at Wellbeing Ambassador's cake sale
Cupcake at Wellbeing Ambassador's cake sale
Cupcake with decoration reading 'surviving or thriving?' at Wellbeing Ambassador's cake sale

St Clement’s Primary School in Ewell


The eight Year 6 children who took part in Wellbeing Ambassador training at St Clement’s Primary School have gone on to…

  • Lead whole school assemblies on health and wellbeing, kindness, anti-bullying and more.
  • Train other Year 6 students on ‘How to be a good Key Stage 1/2 prefect’, focusing on recognising and rewarding positive behaviour.
  • Create a ‘buddy scheme’ with the Reception class for reading support.
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Two children closely looking at a workbook

Rosebery Secondary School in Epsom


The 11 trained Wellbeing Ambassadors in Year 9 at Rosebery Secondary School have…

  • Set up a monthly Wellbeing Café for Year 7-9, providing a space for students to talk and take part in themed craft activities.
  • Spoken at parent events about supporting and engaging with children and their mental health.
  • Put on whole school activities for Mental Health Awareness Week.
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Holy Family Catholic Primary in Addlestone


Since their training, the Wellbeing Ambassadors at Holy Family Catholic Primary have…

  • Run weekly Wellbeing Wednesday where they visit each class and teach about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing.
  • Helped at lunchtimes in the school’s calm club.
  • Run mindfulness colouring competitions for the students.
  • Organised fun Friday music and dancing outside.
  • Run cake sales and lunchtime activities during Children’s Mental Health Week.


” They are really enjoying the role!”

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Wellbeing Ambassadors resources and training

If you’re interested in finding out more about our Wellbeing Ambassador programme, click below for information about our training and workbook, or take a look at ideas you could replicate in your school.

Find out more Ideas for whole school wellbeing
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